Chances are good you are reading this, you very likely want to know how to start a company with no money.
I'm sure you want this to go as flat as you can so let's get some things straight.
You need be on the inside of the shop you are targeting, request yourself before you start "is this a niche or am I a small fish in a big pond?", is an additional one person or company doing the same thing or similar but not getting their name out or maybe they cost too much? When I need to, can I turn what I have into a company plan and promote it to investor? Do I need investors? Is it possible to start this out of my basement/house/garage/car? Can my family help invest money into my business? Do I have a steady job to retain me straight through this? Is it possible to work 80 hours a week to grow this company by myself?

These are serious things you need to think about, and I'll go straight through many of them as in depth as possible. But
I'll try to keep this post on How to start a company with no money. This is with no background of your business, finances, how fast you want this to company to start up, or if it's a niche. Nothing. This post may not even work for you or your idea, as you think about this more you may think you can't do any of the things I am writing about, in which case try something else. Don't let failure stop you. You only fail if you give up.
So you don't have Any money? Does that mean you can't manage to get a week? a month? You have to write back this question. Or you maybe can think of a way to do less than you normally do so you can get a bit saved up if you can, as this will only make things easier in the beginning.
Make believe for a second that you are going to start a "Computer heal Business". What should you do to start? Check your local newspaper. See if whatever is advertising. No? Great. Easy. They are? What do they charge? Do they list what they charge? Do they do computer heal in the customer's house? Do they have a building? Do they have a website?
So, let's say they payment /hour. Then you payment /hour because you have nothing to lose, you are just starting. They have a building, that's half the payment for their computer repairs. People are paying for them to have a building. So they do in home computer heal for /hour. Ok, so you payment a flat fee of /hour regardless of whether you pick it up, the customers drops it off, or you do it in their house. Maybe even payment a singular price for picking it up or having the buyer drop it off that's affordable.
Next look in the yellow pages, Google your city and see who else is there. Other competition? Check out what they charge, what they do, and how they say they do it. Cool, let's move on.
So, now you know what you charge. You're a computer guy, so you have some programs you can use to take off viri, you know how to do wireless networking, you can to setup cable and dsl modems, you know how to use the registry a bit, you can restore a machine, reinstall windows, recover data. We're pretending you know a lot of this, if not more for this scenario. So, don't request it later.
When you began seeing for starting my own business, you probably had an idea this was going to be hard? Well, it's easier than you think, it's simpler too. It just requires a lot of attempt and mental exterior the box.
Family and friends Idea
So, get a hold of everybody in your family that you know who has a computer. Say, "Hey Uncle Tim, It's Joey." Ya'know, start the small talk like always. Then ask them, "Hey uncle Tim, I was seeing at starting a computer heal company and I was wondering if you had any problems with your computer that needs fixing." your uncle says yes, great! Tell him what you payment and ask if he wants to setup an appointment. No problems with his computer? No issue, tell him to keep you in mind and if he has any friends or other family (in the case of an Uncle who married into the family) to give them your number. Repeat this for every family member you know that has a computer, every friend's parent you know that has a computer. This is you building a small network of People who already want you to succeed. If you get a few hits from family or friends, your services may be required by a decent amount of People in your city. If not, start a small company that's different, more unique, more "nichey". Don't quote me, every situation is different.
Cheap and reasonable Advertising Idea
Same computer heal business, and you're still asking how to start a company with no money. Get out there and post flyers. Why? They are cheap and easy to produce. Plainly take these flyers and post them in high foot traffic areas. Where I live, we have four trailer parks with some large mailbox "enclosures". Take your flyer and on the bottom of the flyers make "tabs" with your info, and then cut nearby it so People can rip them off. I've seen People do this with paper plates and a thumb tack, get creative here people. You're an entrepreneur. Post it up in every one of these and there you go. Great advertising for less. Does your local grocery store, bistro or any store or bistro have a board where businesses can post company cards, flyers, etc.? Post it there too. You can use this in along with the first idea. If you can manage to be successful with both, even good for you.
How to Start a enterprise With No Money